this past wednesday I got the chance to be a backstage dresser for a showing of Isaac Mizrahi's Fall 2009 RTW hosted by Saks Fifth Avenue! it was very crowded and tight in the back with all the models, other backstage dressers, stylist, event managers, and ISAAC!...i could hardly move..and of course, the racks and racks of amazing clothes. everything from the fabric choices, trimmings, notions-- i loved it all! i was just in awe of all the garments and accessories! oh, to be the person who had the duty to put the outfits together!!! the hectic atmosphere that is backstage-- gave me an amazing rush. you know, trying to get the dress, the shoes, and small accessories on the model in under a minute got my heart pumping and my adrenaline rushing! here are some pictures i took from my phone:

my model, annie, is the one in the orange hat. by the way, you need to check that outfit out on my camera phone does not do it justice!

a quick shot right before they walked onto the runway! i was on my tippy toes, and i was still not tall enough! oh, to be able to view the world from up there!
less than 3,
jam rock
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